Access – Social Space Orientation in Youth Work 4.0
A vibrant democracy needs the commitment of everyone. For young people – especially disadvantaged groups – the opportunities for participation must correspond to their personal situation and reflect the reality of their lives. However, the pandemic has significantly limited their participation opportunities.
Access responds to this by developing tailored and attractive intervention models along the three thematic areas of the EU Youth Strategy – inclusion, sustainability and digital world.
Implementation in: Germany, Austria, Spain
Duration: 2022-2024
Partners in Berlin:
BIS Netzwerk für betriebliche Integration und Sozialforschung e.V., Gesellschaft für duales Lernen gGmbH
Transnational partners:
in Austria: Südwind, Die Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH
in Spain: Fundación MUSOL, Federació Valenciana de Municipis i Províncies
“The Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces believes that territorial structuring, social cohesion and equal opportunities among citizens is achieved by inclusive growth. The key to achieving these objectives is undoubtedly relying on local development and bottom-up policies. We trust that Access will keep this spirit alive!”
Rubén Alfaro Bernabé, FVMP President and Mayor of Elda.