News – An overview of activities by the Access consortium
Access-Seminar: Participation-Oriented Child, Youth, and Inclusion Assistance
On October 30th, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., a seminar on “Participation-Oriented Child, Youth, and Inclusion Assistance” will take place at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Berlin (KHSB). Organized within the framework of the EU-funded project “Access – Social Space Orientation in Youth Work 4.0,” this seminar provides insights into innovative approaches and methods for social space-oriented work with children and youth.
Program Overview:
8:30–9:00 a.m.: Introduction to BGZ/BIS and the Access Project
9:00–9:30 a.m.: Presentation of the “PZP” and “Workbook BIS” projects
9:30–10:15 a.m.: PZP Workshop
10:15–10:30 a.m.: Discussion and Wrap-Up
Location: Catholic University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Köpenicker Allee 39–57, 10318 Berlin, Room 2.073
For more information and registration, please visit
You will find a detailed program HERE.
Online-Meeting on project results, Erasmus+ Days at Access & YourSpace
In the framework of ErasmusDays, today, between 10-11:30 an online-meeting was launched by the BGZ with the scope to disseminate and present to an online audience the results of two current projects in the field of Youth Education. A wide online visibility was ensured benefiting from the outreach of the Erasmus Days platform. The focus of the online roundtable was on the achievements of joint results in the field of youth empowerment and engagement through exchange of practices from the Access and YourSpace projects. Key aspects of international collaboration with partners across countries such as Germany, Spain, Poland and Austria (among others with BIS, Outreach was presented.
The two projects are inscribed in the larger scope of the Work of the BGZ aiming at contributing to counter polarization and disinformation while strengthening societal resilience of both young people and all actors active in the social space. The importance of creative methods and artistic practices in empowering disadvantaged youth and integrating them into society was in particular highlighted by contributions of the colleagues of Outreach.
Additionally, reviewed the recommendations for the politics proposed by both projects tacled how to leverage and promote our shared values and further expand effective methods and knowledge transfer at the local and European level. The initiatives presented serve as inspiration for all organisations active in the field of youth education and training to actively contribute to youth empowerment and activation to shape democratic societies.
Erasmus+ Days at Access & YourSpace Projects
Let’s celebrate youth and European values together! In the framework of the Erasmus+ Days, BGZ, together with Outreach, invites you to join a practitioners’ exchange and digital hands-on working session to discuss and explore tools and methods developed in the Erasmus+ projects Access and YourSpace .
Join us in celebrating Europe and Erasmus+, and share your experiences with fellow colleagues and partners.
We look forwards to an inspiring exchange!
Access & YourSpace Team
Access - Closing event, 25 September
On 25 September, decision-makers from politics, academia, foundations and youth organisations met at our multiplier event to discuss the results of the ACCESS project. Together with our project partners, we had an intensive exchange on the importance of democratic participation and inclusion of young people in Berlin and Europe.
The event provided a platform for learning about successful examples of youth participation and discussing current challenges. Many participants also took the opportunity to network and develop new ideas.
As part of the event, numerous speakers had the opportunity to give captivating presentations. The variety of topics and the enthusiasm with which they were presented left a lasting impression on the participants. Below you will find the list of speakers who shared their valuable insights and experiences with us:
Welcoming speech from Falko Liecke
State Secretary for Youth and Family
Implementing the EU Youth Strategy in Berlin – opportunities and challenges
Sandra Hildebrandt, Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family Affairs
Heidi Schulze, Projektkoordination, – Arbeitsstelle Eigenständige Jugendpolitik, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe – AGJ
SINUS-Jugendstudie 2024: Wie ticken Jugendliche?
Dr. Rusanna Gaber, Senior Research Manager, SINUS Markt- und Sozialforschung, INTEGRAL-SINUS-OPINION Gruppe
Demokratiebildung und Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten, Projekt ‚Europabrücke Berlin
Manuel Knapp, Referent für politische Bildung / Studienleiter, Europäische Akademie Berlin
Global Citizenship Education & Sustainability
Susanne Loher, Südwind, Bereichskoordination Bildung
Education & Sustainability
Elke Weisser, EPIZ – Zentrum für Globales Lernen
Europe in the district
Carlotta Duken, Europabeauftragte des Bezirksamts Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg von Berlin
Kalz Photography
Friederike Kalz
Case Studies:
Introduction: ACCESS Projekt
Tiziana Destino, BGZ
Case Study Berlin
Saskia Perthel (BIS – Netzwerk für betriebliche Integration und Sozialforschung e.V.)
Sieh Video
Case Study Valencia
Annalisa Caruso (Fundación MUSOL), Sergio Mensua, Alex Roig (FVMP, digital)
Sieh Video
Case Study Vienna
Ninja Konrad (Südwind, digital)
Q&A Session:
Peter Schulz (Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg von Berlin, Abteilung für Arbeit, Bürgerdienste und Soziales): Bezirkskoordinator der Jugendberufsagentur in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
Christian Porstner: Europäischer Projektmanager, NGO Nest Berlin
Lilith Boettcher: FUTURES PROBES, Futures Literacy for Civil Society
12th of August is International Youth Day!
Access celebrates the International Youth Day recurring on 12 August. This is a unique occasion to reflect on both challenges and opportunities faced by the young people in Europe and contribute to shape the present and future of our democratic societies. The Project Access showcase for this day three relevant approaches: 1. empowerment through the Personal Future Planning adopted to increase inclusion and to reduce experiences of discrimination in Berlin, 2 Connect all young people in Valencia in the virtual world through Digital Tools and learning programming a video game, 3. Engagement through Education for Sustainability and Global South in Vienna.
The Project piloted in the 3 case studies target primarely youth in NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) who are in 2024 growing at an alarmingly high rate(30% for young women and 13% for young men). Dropping out from education, employment or training leads to increased isolation and worsens mental health issues. These challenges are countered by tailored actions and support provided by the activities run by the Project Partners in Berlin, Vienna and Valencia. Get Involved today and learn how to contribute to support young generations to fulfill their potential! In the International Youth Day learn more on the working materials made available by the partners BIS e.V. and Südwind.
- „“My Future My Path. A Future Planning Workbook” edited by BIS e.V.
- „“Workshop Skript to Explore Sustainable and Global Topics in Youth Work”, edited by Südwind, by Birgit Kastner & Ninja Konrad
SAFE THE DATE: MULTIPLIER EVENT – at the Representation of the European Commission in Germany, Berlin (25 September 2024)
On 25th September, our project partners and the BGZ invite the Berlin ecosystem to engage in a conversation with the politics and decision-makers, academia, foundations and youth organisations active in international youth education to the multiplier event of the project Access.
The project results will be presented and the audience is invited to delve into topics of democratic participation and inclusion of young people in Berlin and in Europa, explore good practices and discuss current and future challenges.
Please register to the event here.
More information regarding the location and agenda can be found here
Workshop & excahnge of ideas, 10th of September 2024
Here you have the opportunity to get new impulses in the field of social and democratic participation of young people and to gain insights into the BGZ’s Project Access. There is also the opportunity to contribute with your own experience, exchange ideas with actors in political education and form new contacts in an informal setting.
10.09.2024 12:00-16:00
Alte Mensa, Atzpodienstr. 45, 10365Berlin
Here you can find the agenda for the day
Please register here
Highlights from the ACCESS multiplier event in Valencia
On Wednesday, May 29, 2024, the multiplier event of the “Access” project took place.
The event included a detailed presentation of the project objectives, significant achievements and their impact on social space orientation in youth work. A dynamic debate forum enabled the exchange of best practices and discussed the integration of digital tools and artistic methods in youth education. Participants also had the opportunity to apply the concepts discussed in an interactive world café workshop and develop solutions to educational challenges.
Finally, conclusions were drawn and the event ended with a feedback session to evaluate the effectiveness of the event and gather suggestions for future improvements.
Here are some impressions of the event.
Highlights from the ACCESS Multiplier Event in Berlin!
We are excited to share the key outcomes of the recent ACCESS Multiplier Event, which took place at the House of Music Berlin-Friedrichshain on April 19, 2024. The event was organized by BIS e.V, and brought together experts, educators, and actors focusing on youth participation, integration and social inclusion.
The event commenced with introductions by Ms Nicola Humpert , Director of the BGZ and Mr Mahmut Kural of Outreach gGmbH, each highlighting their commitment to enhancing participation to a democratic society through furthering education and training oppportunities and through youth-work and social work (mobile and stationary) through inclusive and forward-thinking programs. These set the stage for a compelling video welcome from Ms Sandra Hildebrandt of the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth, and Family, who underscored the importance of anchoring European values and democratic values in the Berlin contexts thorugh international youth cooperation projects and collaborations across disciplines.
The presentation of the ACCESS Results „strategy paper“ and „capacity building guide“, and the discussion on the forthcoming project result „white paper“ played a pivotal role in framing the consortium‘s approach to social space orientation in youth work. These working sessions in small groups highlighted the need for tailored learning beyond the targeted beneficiaries – the young people – addressing the lack of training for youth workers and social workers to further competences and foster participatory models to address in a novel manner the unique potentials and life situations of the youth groups addressed, and their surrounding communities.
The event also highlighted the impact of three case studies in Berlin, Vienna and Valencia, demonstrating the effectiveness of the ACCESS Partners in their respective disciplinary and geographical contexts:
Inclusion Case Study by BIS e.V. and GdLB: Focused on empowering youth with learning disabilities through the „Personal Futures Planning“ method, which involved coaching modules that culminated in the development of a digital workbook to guide youth in shaping their futures.
Sustainability Case Study by Südwind and VHS Wien: Aimed at raising awareness among young people about global sustainability issues and translating these insights into actionable, participatory workshops.
Digitalization Case Study by FVMP and MUSOL: Centered on using modern digital tools to engage young people in Burjassot, Valencia. This initiative involved introducing disadvantaged youth to video game development, enabling them to address social issues creatively and gain valuable digital skills.
A standout feature of the event was the performance by Circus Sonnenstich, an inclusive contemporary circus group that integrates artists with Trisomy 21. Their presentation powerfully enabled the audience to experience first hand the power of inclusion, resonating deeply with the approach of the hosting partner BIS e.V. and contributing reinforcing the call for action to enhance societal change and active call to operationalise inclusion on an everyday basis beyond the work done by the Access project.
This Multiplier Event not only showcased the remarkable success stories integrating youth into non-formal youth education and laisure sectors, but also set a benchmark for future endeavors in the field of youth work with a particular focus on participation, inclusion and societal commitment to address inclusion of young people with disabilities at all levels. Our commitment remains strong in driving forward the methods piloted within the project framework, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all young individuals in Berlin and beyond in line with the 3 pillars oft he EU Youth Strategy: Empower, Enable and Connect.
Stay tuned for further updates and insights from our Multiplier Event and do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to learn more on our tools and methods!
The Access Team and Südwind join forces to celebrate the positive impact of vocational educational training for sustainable development « Global to Local » . Sudwind’s sustainability and global citizenship education approach showed the benefit for young people to feel interconnected to the earth and to the global (limited) ressources . Two groups of young people grasped the opportunity to learn sustainability skills through tailored educational offers.
The contents of the workshops offered by Südwind were created in participatory manner together with the young participants at the VHS Wien. Their knowledge, visions and drive contributed to shape a novel youth perspectives, and it is to be anchored to existing VET and formal education models.
Stay tuned to learn more on the Case Study Workbook!
For an overview on the project in Wienna check the Strategie Paper here:
Celebrating Progress on International Women’s Day 2024: ACCESS Project’s Commitment to Gender Equality
As we honor International Women’s Day, let’s spotlight the ACCESS – Social Space Oriented Youth Work 4.0 project and its unwavering dedication to gender equality. Through our initiatives, we aim to:
- Empower Girls and Young Women: ACCESS provides tools and platforms for girls and young women to express themselves, engage in community dialogues, and take necessary steps to become active citizens.
- Inclusive Education: We strive to create an inclusive educational environment where girls and young women can learn, grow, and discover their untapped potentials through tailored educations offers, within non-formal education without barriers.
- Challenge Stereotypes: Our activities challenge gender stereotypes, promoting a society where young women and girls are critical drivers initiating step-by-step innovation and change.
- Support Equal Opportunities: ACCESS supports policies and practices that open equal opportunities for young women in technology, sustainability and civic engagement.
This International Women’s Day, let’s reaffirm our commitment to a gender-equal Europe where every young individual can contribute meaningfully to society.
The launch of the Cibermanagers initiative in Burjassot is a direct political response to the positive outcomes of our inclusive work with NEETs through video games, initiated in 2022. This strategic move has positioned Burjassot as the first town in Spain to become a Cibermanager for gender equality, a true testament to our ACCESS – Social Space Oriented Youth Work 4.0’s impact.
This milestone demonstrates our project’s significant influence on local policy-making, highlighting Burjassot as a success story of commitment to the EU’s inclusion and technology development objectives.
On February 12, 2024, a meeting took place between the BGZ and the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family, a strategically important associated partner of the project, as part of the Erasmus+ youth project Access. The meeting, which took place with colleagues from Department III – Youth and Child Protection, State Youth Welfare Office, provided an ideal platform to present the current status of the project and discuss important topics.
In conversation with Elke Brachaus, a representative of the Senate Department, Access project manager Tiziana Destino was able to discuss the following important points for the further development of the project:
1. Capacity building guide (best practice): The exchange of best practice between administration and providers in Berlin to strengthen capacity, based on the “Capacity Building Guide” developed in the project.
2. Integration of young refugees: The topic is very relevant for Berlin. Experiences made by the project partner Fundacion Musol in Valencia as part of a case study on the integration of young refugees (e.g. Roma communities) can provide valuable impetus for Berlin.
3. Sustainability issues and strengthening links with the global South for disadvantaged young people: This is another topic that the Senate Administration is very interested in and here too the project can contribute with experience and good examples. The administration’s focus of interest is on promoting sustainability skills, especially among disadvantaged young people, with a particular focus on girls. The cooperation partner Südwind from Vienna conducts workshops on the topic of “My cell phone” as part of the project. The conception and design of the workshops offers numerous starting points for the promotion of green skills and can provide impulses for Berlin, based on the know-how of Südwind, gained in the case study from Vienna “My cell phone”.
4. Youth involvement and participation: In addition, the correct implementation of youth involvement and participation is an important topic for the Senate Administration. Here, the Access project and the Berlin partner BIS e.V. provide important expertise and insights; an exciting case study has been produced as part of this project that addresses precisely this question.
5. “Social space oriented youth work” with a focus on street social work in international comparison: A comparison of street social work in different countries would be interesting for the Senate Administration to identify best practices and share experiences.
The meeting proved to be extremely fruitful as it allowed for the exchange of ideas and best practices to further promote the “Access” project and foster the integration of young people in NEET situations into society in Berlin and the other partner municipalities. It also demonstrated the commitment of the parties involved to creating positive change in youth work.
“In line with the United Nations’ Agenda 2030, the Access project is deeply committed to the Sustainable Development Goals, serving as a guiding force in our endeavors. Our core objectives resonate with these universal goals, emphasizing the empowerment of disadvantaged young people and their integration into society. We strive to provide equitable access to opportunities, fostering social inclusion, participation, and the development of digital skills. Our collaborative efforts extend across Berlin, Vienna, and Valencia, working harmoniously with local communities, national entities, and international partners. All stakeholders must embrace the spirit of Agenda 2030, dedicating themselves to transformative actions that contribute meaningfully at local, national, and international levels. Through Access, we aim to create a ripple effect of sustainable transformation, encouraging diverse entities to invest in the potential of young people and unite in achieving our shared goals.”
Federación Valenciana de Municipios y Provincias
FVMP / Musol
Reflecting on the past year, the Federación Valenciana de Municipios y Provincias (FVMP), in partnership with MUSOL, has made significant progress in empowering vulnerable youth within the ACCESS Erasmus+ project. Particularly notable was our work in the 613 Viviendas neighborhood of Burjassot, where we utilized video games as a novel tool to address social issues under the “Barris Inclusius” program. This innovative approach enabled young participants to engage with and articulate the challenges within their communities, fostering awareness and stimulating valuable discussions. Our efforts gained local media attention, with features on radio and in newspapers, helping to broaden the impact and reach of our initiatives.
In the last quarter of 2023, we conducted several online meetings, which played a pivotal role in fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among all project partners. These virtual gatherings proved essential in maintaining our momentum and ensuring coordinated efforts. A key focus during this period was integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into our work. We developed documents and strategies to align the ACCESS Erasmus+ project with the Agenda 2030, which included refining our strategy document and capacity-building guide. These are crucial components of our transferable model for working with youth in vulnerable situations and will be instrumental in our ongoing efforts.
Südwind / VHS
From January to April 2023, we successfully met three more times with our young people from the sounding board at the Vienna Adult Education Centre (VHS Vienna) and finalised the further development of a workshop developed by and with the young people themselves. The ideas, thoughts, criticisms, wishes,… were collected and the workshop on “The journey of my mobile phone” was prepared for practical application. Activities, work instructions, tasks, materials and methods were adapted as much as possible to the wishes of the young people. This was an attempt to meet the needs of young people who do not come into contact with sustainable and global issues through formal education. The aim is to pick up these young people in their social space and make them aware of these issues, show them possible courses of action and motivate them to think about their own options.
The result is a workshop that can be offered by our organisation for educational institutions.
In 2023, two successful multiplier events were also held in Vienna, where some valuable contacts were made. The associated meetings of all the project’s partner organisations were very inspiring and also very unifying on a personal level.
We also worked diligently on the final result of our case study and implemented the feedback from the sounding board participants. The “Script for Youth Workers”, a guide for youth workers to design their own workshop on sustainable and global topics, is currently being finalised. This script is intended to offer the opportunity to reach young people outside of formal education to engage in Global Citizenship Education with them in order to support them in becoming active and responsible citizens.
In the exciting year 2023, BIS e.V. and GDLB took significant steps to advance our joint project. A central activity was the execution and thorough evaluation of our case study. The insights and experiences gained directly contributed to the development of an initial draft for the Case Study Result – a workbook that consolidates our findings and creates space for empowerment and self-reflection.
Another highlight was the inspiring project meetings held in various locations across Europe. From Valencia (2022) to Berlin and Vienna (2023), these gatherings were characterized by intense collaborative work, joy, and a strong sense of community. The opportunity to collaborate with outstanding European partners not only broadened our perspectives but also instilled a deep sense of gratitude for the diversity and quality of collaboration.
With enthusiasm, we look back at the already achieved results and look forward to sharing both the already developed and future outcomes of our joint Access project with other interested individuals from all over Europe. This shared journey of knowledge and exchange not only strengthens our partnerships but also contributes to building a broader community of like-minded individuals who can be inspired by the progress made.
STAKEHOLDER INTERVIEWS (August - September 2023)
Access is committed to empower disadvantaged young people in Berlin, Vienna and Valencia by fostering their digital skills, engaging them to make responsible choices in their lives and to become actively included in their communities, enhancing their sense of connectedness to the environment and to the world.
To celebrate youth in the international youth day we collected a few voices of our beneficiaries:
1) From MUSOL, Valencia: “I’m glad I came because I like video games and I could learn how to develop them.”
2) From BIS / GDLB, Berlin: “We need people who listen and see our strengths.”
3) From Südwind / VHS, Vienna: “I’ve never had a workshop or anything else about the environment, human rights and so on. I think it’s cool that we are doing this.”
You can find current insights and new content on the project cases on our new Padlet website
The EU Youth Strategy is a framework for European cooperation in the youth field for the period of 2019-2027. Its goal is to improve the situation of young people in Europe by creating more and equal opportunities for them. Hereby it focuses on three core areas of action, around the three pillars: Engage, Connect, Empower, while working on joined-up implementation across sectors.
Access, on the other hand, aims to promote participation, encounter and empowerment along these three pillars, with a special focus on disadvantaged young people. Here you can find an overview of the core objectives of the EU Youth Strategy and the focus of the three case studies within the Access project respective to the three pillars of the EU Youth Strategy.
Social space-oriented participation offers for young people with fewer opportunities: Use of the social space concept for Youth work, thematisation of sustainability and global contexts in youth work with disadvantaged people
MULTIPLIER EVENT - Vienna (July 2023)
- How can disadvantaged young people be empowered?
- What do young people understand by self-determination and how can it be learned?
- How can key qualifications be built up so that they can recognise their own rights and formulate their own wishes?
The programme for the event can be found here
After the first LTTA and ME in Berlin, a part of the Valencian tandem that attended (Gonzalo Albir, coordinator of European projects of the FVMP and Seila Abad, social worker of Fem Salut Mental) had the opportunity to narrate their experience and address some of the issues being worked on in the European project ACCESS (ERASMUS+) in the Valencia Plaza Radio station.
The interview was about how the Valencian administration carries out the work of labour inclusion and the awareness and social support that exists around people with functional diversity. In addition, it was emphasised that there is great concern in Spain about mental health and other issues such as bullying among young people who may show weaknesses.
A study carried out in 34 countries by the company Ipsos places Spain among the five countries in which citizens are most concerned about mental health, and considers it to be the main health problem, ahead of cancer.
The data are very worrying and the COVID highlighted the problem even more. Some call it the “silent pandemic” but, at the moment, there are many voices calling for solutions to stop a tragic reality: more and more people are committing suicide in Spain. The figures provided by the Spanish National Institute of Statistics show that in 2021, 4,003 people committed suicide. Eleven deaths per day. In the first half of 2022, 2,015 suicides were registered, 1.6% more than in the same period last year. However, people who take their own lives are just the tip of the iceberg of a problem that affects millions of people. Mental health education should start in schools.
Finally, the audience was told that the FVMP partner (Musol Foundation) has implemented a pilot project in the 613-houses neighbourhood of Burjassot with socially excluded youth, improving teaching tools and sensitising students through the acquisition of digital skills (creation of a video game).
You can listen to the Podcast here: Pont an Europa: Plaza Podcast (Spanish only)
Social space-oriented participation offers for young people with fewer opportunities: Participation, Inclusion and diversity in the youth work, digitalisation and youth work
See here the Summary as well as Background reading & references on the LTTA Berlin
MULTIPLIER EVENT - Berlin (March 2023)
On 28 March, our project partners BIS & GDLB have invited to a multiplier event on the project Access in Berlin.
BIS e.V., in cooperation with the other Berlin partners and associates, organized the first multiplier event in Berlin. The aim was to present and disseminate the three developed Intervention models for working with disadvantaged young people in line with the three pillars set out in the EU Youth Strategy (Inclusion, Sustainability, Digitalization), defined as focal points «inclusion», «globalization» and the «digital world».
The main focus was on the presentation and discussion of the Berlin Model particularely tackling the area of inclusion. The models were made available for the actors in youth work invited, and final goal was to initiate a fruitful communication, to enable and motivate them to test and evaluate these models in their respective areas of work. In this context successful synergies between the different actors were developed through round tables formats and Q&A sessions and the adoption of the models was promoted.
The event took place at the office of BIS e.V. in Berlin-Schöneberg. About 4 hours were planned for the workshop. The starting point was an input on the intentions of Inclusion and social space orientation in youth work and on the approaches of the project (held by the BGZ). Then BIS e.V. presented the intervention model for inclusion and lead throughout the event the active engagement and moderation of the discussion with the participants. The participants provided feedback for the individual workshop sessions, including on the alignement of the Access project with the EU Youth Strategy and the 16th Child and Youth Report. Second round of feedback followed the presentation held by BIS and GDLB, Südwind and Musol on their respective intervention models.Together we will look at the following key questions:- How can disadvantaged young people be empowered?
- What do young people understand by self-determination and how can it be learned?
- How can key qualifications be built up so that they can recognise their own rights and formulate their own wishes?
The programme for the event can be found here
See here the introduction presentation to the Multiplier event by the BGZ
The meeting was held in Burjassot, Valencia, the municipality that hosted the case study.
The first day was dedicated to a workshop in the socio educational centre, here representatives of the direction, youth workers and educators presented the goals and missions of the center. A discussion on the organisation and framework of the work, the methodologies applied and activities currently developed offered the opportunity to the partners to gain an insight view on the local context, its current challenges and potential for further improvement.
During a second part of the TPM the partners worked on finetuning the planning to implement the agreed upon dissemination strategy, designed and discussed concrete activities to be undertaken, in the form of world café. The Lead organisation provided inputs on the strategy paper, requirements to gather information on local and regional frameworks, along with the provision of guidelines to gather information on the target groups, work on research and needs analysis, and illustrated possible methods for social space orientated work.
PROJECT KICK-OFF - Berlin (March 2022)
The first part of the kick-Off event served to discuss the organisational and financial aspects of the project. After the welcome and a short introduction by BGZ, the budget and financing were discussed. Afterwards, all partners introduced themselves and described their fields of activity. All partners presented their tandems on prepared posters. Afterwards, the topic of common understanding of terms and definitions was discussed. The partners wrote down the terms relevant to the project on an interactive concept board.
Conclusion: Some of the crucial questions which have to be answered throughout the project work are:- What technical & technological and content (inclusion, sustainability, digital) knowledge
must be build/offered for the educational staff? And what kind of support could be organized
for them? - How can language be easy understandable for youth about the contents/themes the project
focusses on? - How can transfer and translation – also in terms of language – between youth and policy
makers be organized? - How can we support individual desire of youth and also raising their voice/strengthen their
political voice as a group with similar demands?